P&F Association

​ ​​Our P&F Association exists to enrich the St Mary MacKillop Catholic Primary School experience of our children, their families and friends of our school community.  Every parent & carer is automatically a member of our P&F and everyone helps support our P&F either indirectly (by attending school events) or directly (by volunteering to help out). 

We can help you find ways to become better connected with your school community through the work done by each of our P&F Teams or by connecting you with important school services (such as our Tuckshop, Library, Uniform Shop, and Classroom Help) - all of which depend on volunteers to operate. 

Our P&F Executive Team is made up of ordinary parents & friends who have taken on voluntary leadership roles to engage teams of parents & friends to turn P&F goals into realities.  

Our P&F Executive Team works to provide an effective and efficient P&F organisational structure to facilitate opportunities for all members of our school community to participate in activities and decision making.  The Executive establishes a plan of action for the year ahead and works to encourage a high level of participation from our parents & friends group.  Our Executive Team includes the following members.

Samara BedwellPresident, samara@macwell.com.au
Kirsty Stevens, Vice President, kjstevens93@outlook.com
Tyler DaganSecretary, tylerjaydedagan@hotmail.com​
Sandeep FogartyTreasurer, deep_fogarty@hotmail.com